Sleeping so peacefully....
Oh little Audree, what ails you my dear? This is the thought that runs through my mind at all hours of the day, and undoubtedly the night. My sweet, laid back, charming girl has been sick for a little over four months now. We have been to the doctor many times over these trying months, wondering what could be her vice. "Bronchialitis," the doctor tells me. "A little albuterol will clear it right up." When that didn't work, a nebulizer was delivered to our doorstep. "This should do the trick, we were assured by the Apria boy." Friday afternoon, 5:00....yes, I pray this does the trick.
The dosage requires four treatments per day. "It may make it difficult to sleep at times," I'm told but I am not worried about that. She isn't sleeping anyway with the inability to breathe. One treatment and the girl is WIRED. This is a tad more extreme than what I was prepared for. Still, we endure countless heartbreaking treatments to no avail.
I let a month pass before we call for a mid afternoon, squeeze you in, kind of appointment. She isn't breathing well and I want to make sure it is not pneumonia. Nope, sounds the same. Try the nebulizer, it should help. Head down, heart fallen, we travel home with the same news. "Bronchialitis"......"Try the Nebulizer,".....
A few weeks later I take her in because now on top of the plugged nose and wheezing chest, she is pulling at her ear. Sure enough, an ear infection. "Good," I think to myself. "Maybe the antibiotics will help her other symptoms." Nope, the ear infection comes and goes and she still sounds like there is a rattle stuck straight in the middle of her chest. Good news, however, she has now learned to sleep with this seemingly chronic problem.
I am now at the end of my rope. I NEED answers, I BEG for answers. Tomorrow we see an allergist to try and find out if there is a specific thing that is causing these symptoms. I will be honest, I am looking forward to getting a second opinion. I have other ideas in the back of my mind, but allergies would be a very welcomed diagnosis.
As for the hippie pizza feet? Well, a friend who is bent toward the naturopathic ways of medicine has been swearing by this remedy. "Oil of Oregano", she says. "Rub it on her feet and it ought to clear it up by the morning." "I have heard that before, but I will try anything at this point. I pray she is right.
For now, Audree's feet smell like a pizza with a twist of hippie. =) Whatever works!
5 years ago
Poor Jayme-I'm so sorry! There is truly nothing worse than a sick baby. :( I will pray that she gets better! What are her symptoms?
ReplyDeleteNot even close to what you're going through, but Reese cries hysterically if I'm not holding her-I can't carry her because of my shoulder, so I just have to sit all day-meanwhile my house is crumbling around me-aaahhh! i think we need a little break, friend.
I hope you do find some answers at the Allergist. They were an answer to pray and a gift from God when they answered our questions regarding Macy and her issues. Hope it will be as successful for you guys also!!!