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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Didn't know...

what I was missing! I received a beautiful sewing machine from my mother-in-law for my birthday! My mom gave me some JoAnne's Gift cards for my crafting pleasure...and voila!  I am learning to sew. I went with my mom on Wednesday to pick a pattern and fabric. She helped me with the basics like iron your pattern so it lays flat, how to decipher pattern-speak, etc. I cut it out on Thursday afternoon and by Friday night I had a super cute purse for my date! I am in love.....with sewing and with my new bag! FUN!

I have always been a girl who had an idea in mind but couldn't ever find it in the store. Now I can create my ideas, once I find the fabric that is in my mind...HA!  I can't wait to start making things for the girls. What a blessing! Thanks Moms for my wonderful birthday treats!


  1. Good job...sooooo cute!! Now you are hooked!!! hehehehe Can't wait to see what else you come up with! :)

  2. Beautiful! You are a lucky girl and I can't wait to see what you do with it.
    I recently broke the needle, pulled out the instructions to replace it, was doing great, then "oh no" the new needle fell into a little hole and I don't know what to do!
    I think I'll take the machine to a sewing repair place. Darn it.
